Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ta-Daaaaa......'s been 6 weeks since surgery and I KNOW that you have been on pins and needles waiting for the big post-surgery reveal. I've waited this long to give me a little more healing time and swelling to go down but NOW I think I'm ready.

So...without further ado (sorry Colonel - if you are reading may be more than you want to know about your FRG Leader!)....

(notice that the moles on the left are lower now?)
The red  and marks around my waist and under my new belly button is from the binder I wore today.


I still have some swelling in going on in the hips and lower tummy area; it'll take a couple of months for it to go down. 

A little Q&A for you:
  1. Did it hurt? Well, hell yeah it hurt!
  2. Did it hurt more or less than you thought it would? It just just like I figured it would.
  3. How much time did you take off work? 2 1/2 weeks, but should have taken the full 3 weeks.
  4. What was the worst part about  recovery? Hmmm, I think pooping, followed by having the drains!
  5. What was the best part about recovery? Pooping and Getting the drains out!Oh, and being able to take a shower!
  6. Are you glad you did it? Every day - even when I was at my worst!
  7. Have you bought skinny clothes yet? Um...NO. My ass is still a size 10/12...that didn't change. My clothes just fit better.
  8. Would you do it again knowing what you went through? Definitely. Rich may think twice about it because he had to do everything for me!
  9. Are you still sore? Yeah, I'm sore in my abs, hips and back (from the lipo).
  10. Do you have a big scar? Yes, it goes from hip to hip and is just under the top of my panty line. It will fade out and become lower over time.
  11. Was it expensive? Oh yeah..........
So, there it is - there I am....


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace