Thursday, April 19, 2012


Rich is on business travel right now:

Me: "So...I'm not sure how this happened but I realized this morning that I am 4th on the list now. Yesterday the dogs barely ate and almost sniffed at their treats because YOU weren't there to give it to them. I don't even think they slept in the bedroom with me last night because you weren't there"

Rich: "I'm sure they did"

Me: "No, when I got up they were both moping on the couch. And when when I went to feed them breakfast they didn't budge. I even pulled out their treats and had to coax them off the couch to come and get it...then they drug their dog paws walking the 15 feet to me."

Rich: "It's because you did everything first and then gave them a treat. They are used to getting their treat first thing"

Me: " It's because you weren't there. How did I become 4th fiddle? I had accepted 3rd fiddle but now I have to suck-up 4th!"

There is a hierarchy in my family..maybe not an OFFICIAL one, but a hierarchy just the same. It goes something like this:

My Husband is in the lead position; followed by the following -

  1. Kelley (our daughter)
  2. Jake (our his dog)
  3. Annie (Kelley's dog)
  4. ME
  5. Everything else
There was a time, albeit brief, that I was #1. It was a sweet, sweet moment. But then his little girl edged me out of my place and I humbly took the #2 fiddle seat. She was cute, big blue eyes and thought he hung the moon - still does! They can sit and talk for ever on the phone, I get a short "hey, how are you" conversation - or {ring, ring} "Hey Mom, can I talk to Dad?" Yep, I became #2 fiddle.

Then Jake the dog came running into our lives on his cute puppy feet. That tricky canine edged his way from the back yard, into the house, and into the #2 fiddle. He and Rich have a bond that not even deployment couldn't break. Jake was depressed, barely ate, moped around the whole stinking year no matter what I did to cheer him up. Then Rich came home and life went on.

Then Annie came along. Annie belongs to Kelley & her husband. Annie is also Jake's main squeeze. Once I settled into my #3 fiddle I realized recently that I had been moved to #4. I'm not even sure how or when that actually happened. But Annie, with her big-girl hips, doe-eyes and exciting personality trampled me on the stairs and took my spot!

When Rich gets home everyday the dogs just about hyperventilate when they sense him turning on the road leading to our home (about .70 miles away). They begin running in circles, high-fiving each other and doing flips! It's an amazing site...really. If we arrive home together I have to open the door quickly and get the hell out of the way or else get trampled by 110 lbs of collective dog-bodies in their bolt to get to Rich. Then they barrel-roll me going up the stairs to beat Rich to the top so they can start all over again with their happy dancing.

When I come home..I only hear crickets and the hum of the fridge. No greeting, no happy dog lovin'.

Rich: "Honey, you are still 2nd fiddle"

Me: "2nd fiddle? Who's 1st?? No, wait, I don't even want to know"


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace