Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sleeping on the Couch

I remember when I was a kid that getting to sleep on the couch was the biggest treat of all treats! It was like playing hooky at bedtime... until I woke to see our friendly house ghost one dark night. Eeeeekkk! The first of several personal encounters with her.

Moving On.

So, a couple of years ago, following a surgery, I slept on the couch for almost 3 months. Having a sectional sofa made it easy for Rich to sleep with me. We got some awesome winks during those months. In the evenings, while watching TV, Rich lays down on our comfy sofa to catch a pre-bed nap - that man can drop off to sleep like a stone off of a cliff.

Last night the opportunity arose where we were almost giddy to sleep on the sofa again. Except this wasn't near as much fun or comfortable. After about 2 hours of the restlessness my husband reached out, touched me on the head and said the SWEETEST most loving words E-V-E-R -

"You ready to go get in our bed"?

Yep - lead the way!

Settling into our bed was like slipping into our own little piece of heaven. As I settled in to being the little spoon, my husband slipped his arms around me and I whispered.

"Let's save sofa sleeping for times of surgery and night-time tv"


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace