Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a New Year



When I was a wee tot I remember playing with a calculator that I stashed into my my little girl purse that I carried to church with me one day. I sat on the pew next to my sister and every so slightly; so not to catch Daddy's eye (he was a deacon and sat behind the pulpit), I plunked out numbers to calculate how old I would be in every-how-many years. This was back in the mid-70's so years like 1990, 2000, even 2010 seemed like I was talking about life on a different planet. Sooooo far away that I just could not comprehend that I would actually be alive to see years with such BIG numbers!

At that time in my life I was wondering when I would get boobs, what year I would turn 16 and if Mama was going to make Taco Salad for Sunday lunch! I couldn't help but let my young mind visualize the craziest things, like flying cars or teleporting like on Star Trek had to be in the future.

But here I sit 35 years later in the year 2012! I've seen 8-track tapes be replaced by cassettes then CD's. The birth of the Microwave. VCRs become DVD players. console TV's be replaced by hi-def flat screens with 3D capabilities with REMOTES! Pagers transitioned to cell phones, and the Commodore 64 grow to the laptop I am using now!

So, 2012!

I'm 45, a wife, mother and Grandmother. My, how life has changed!!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace