Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blowing kisses in the wind....

 This was the Facebook message exchange between me and Rich today!

Renee Blocker Richardson to Rich Richardson: When you smile for no reason, just know that it is the kiss I blew, that is finally reaching you! I love you!

11 hours ago · · · See Wall-to-Wall

Rich Richardson
Rich Richardson
Caught the first one! Send more!
4 hours ago

Deployment has begun - he moved to MOB yesterday morning. I won't lie - it was difficult to leave him standing in the parking lot yesterday to load his gear into a van that would take the 4-soldier team to MS; I didn't stay to watch him leave. I had a little breakdown once I got home but mostly I was in a 'numb' state of confusion. I didn't wallow long; I got up and went out to cut the grass ~ something I haven't done (not once) in the 5 years we've lived in our home. I couldn't figure out out to start the weed-eater though; but I know a certain neighbor (hint) that can help me out with that. I moved about my day doing things here and there on auto-pilot, waiting for a phone call (I got one last night).

I've decided that I won't count the deployment days on my blog in any way ~ well, maybe just the big milestone days, but not every day. Instead I will focus on and celebrate making it through each day, 24-hours at a time. I remember when Dad had his heart attack last year and things looked grim...we were worried about "what could happen" and "what if".... the doctor told us that all we had to work towards was making it through 24 hours at a time. I remember thanking God every morning that he made it through the night and every night when he made it through the day - for 9 1/2 months until he drew his last breath and joined my Mother. As with the grief I continue to experience since my parents deaths in late December, I know the sadness and loss will come in waves, and usually when I least expect it. I also know those moments of loneliness do pass and I will find a way to fill the emptiness with laughter and life until the next wave comes through.

I know that I am strong even when I feel weak. I know that I can and will be okay even when I feel like everything is broken.

I appreciate all of the support and encouragement from my blogging friends that have been, and are exactly where I am ...I feel like part of a unique sisterhood.

Here's a few snapshots from our family vacation (minus our son, N-25, and his family):

My Lunch - Day 1 of vacation!

I love this man!
  The Family laid out!
Styling and profiling for the camera.

Peace, Love & Sandy Beaches!

Rich's Blog:

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace