Monday, April 5, 2010

Time, Please Stop!

It's Day 8 already (damn!!)

Weekend Re-cap:  Saturday - I was sitting at the airport watching the time click to Rich's arrival. Like watching water boil, or paint dry, or the phone to ring... I waited. "LANDED". Waahoo!! I waitied, waited, waited..then I see two pairs of combat boots at the top of the small escalator - one set belonging to my guy! As Rich and CPT descended, both wearing shades - looking ever so cool and hot in their uniforms (sorry, Mrs. CPT.. you know it's true). Once they passes the "DO NOT ENTER" sign I jumped into the arms of my husband without any shame whatsoever!

Jake was so excited to see him too! I opened the door to the downstairs and Jake barreled out the door to jump into Rich's arms! That dog worships him!

I gave them a few moments to love on each other and play. Then exiled Jake from the bedroom for a while (wink, wink)!

We talked about our 2 weeks gone and the week to come. We established a few ground rules for our last week: (1) I will cry, but it's not to make him feel bad and I will try to do it away from him, (2) there will not be any stressing.. about work, our family vacation, the kids, or if there is dust on the mantle, (3) we will respect that deployment will be difficult for both of us (and our kids), (4)  that there may be moments of 'pulling away' as we do our best to prepare and (5) we also agreed that after that conversation, we wouldn't talk about it again until the day before.

Then it was off to the enjoy the evening with our best friends! I'd post their picture.. but I need to ask them first. I can't wait to share our friendship with the Whittens! That's another blog, though.

Sunday  - My sister and I set about getting food around for an Easter get-together. I love a gathering - just ask anyone who knows me. I love to feed people and pull out my decorative bowls and do whatever I can to make the whole experience comfortable and effortless! Love it!! Love it!!!
This is me and my twin sister!!!
Oh, let me back-track a few minutes... so Pook gets up and cuts the grass. Yard work is therapeutic to Rich, always has been. He finishes, gets cleaned up and comes to the kitchen. I get a huge hug and a wonderful kiss... hmm... somethings on his mind. Since I'm in cooking and entertaining mode, I knew it wasn't anything to do with me. (wink). He said "Babe, I've GOT to ride! I can't stand it... I just gotta ride". Another kiss and grin later, he takes off....

Today - it's back to the real world of work for both of us; he at the Armory, me at my office. Looking pretty damn snazzy in my new blue dress! I told Pook this morning that I may not have the same body and sex appeal that I had in my 20's, but, ehh... I'm not too bad looking in my 40's! I have no shame....

I love him endlessly -  10 thousand time!

Peace, Love & Daisies!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace