Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Thoughts to Ponder....

Hmmm... I actually like the phase "Thoughts to Ponder"....I may change the name of my blog to that!

Anyway - It was a cold Friday afternoon (2/13) at 4:00pm. My boss came into my office and asked/said... 'what do you think's going on over there'? Where? I turn in my chair to look out over the UAH campus - two police cars. Interesting enough to stand there and 'see'. Then another police car. I call my son at 4:01...'Brandon, are you at work?' (Bran works at the UAH Fitness Center). Nope... but he'll find out what's happening and call me back. As my co-workers and I watch, the campus fills with campus and local police cars and ambulances - and eventually news reporters. We see them moving about quickly while surrounding the Shelby Center. We see the flurry of activity building, students being led out, we see gurneys going in empty and coming out to waiting ambulances. We watch as the ambulances are escorted from the scene by scores of Huntsville's finest. Within minutes of my call to Brandon, we heard there was a shooting. Our building was locked down (although we are across the street). Why the SWAT team showed up almost an hour late - who knows?!? The scene, the devastation for the faculty and students, for Huntsville... all just unreal.

Many questions without true answers right now.

One thing struck me as odd, though. This is my 'pondering' thought..... It's reported that Dr. Bishop and her husband went to the firing range recently; although they did not own a gun, she had an unregistered 9mm. Her husband said he didn't know when or where she got a 9mm - he never asked her. NOW - when I read this online last night, I turned to my husband ... "Honey, if I said to you that I wanted to go to Larry's Pistol & Pawn (the only range in town - BTW), I've got this 9mm that I want to take for a spin - would you ask me where the hell I got a 9mm ?" Uh, yeah - Babe... I think I'd bring that up! I call bullshit on Dr. Bishop's husband!

Just pondering.

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace