"Get your motor running
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way"......................
In one hour I will blow this popstand (work), go home and kick off my heels and professional clothes. I will emerge from my garage in boots, jeans, chaps, leather jacket and my motorcycle helmet with flames on the sides!! My handsome husband will be ready and waiting - looking all bad-ass and hot - in his leathers and shades (okay...maybe not shades..it's a bit overcast outside). From there we will head South to Panama City Beach for Thunder Beach Motorcycle "Bike Week"!
We KNOW we will hit some rain between this afternoon and tomorrow (we are leaving this afternoon to try and get in front of most of the storms) and will try to make it half way so we won't have to ride throught the worst of the storms that will hit tomorrow morning.........but the rest of the week will be GORGEOUS!!
Eeeekkkk.... I am so excited that we are going!
I will not have any access to blogging until Monday..so if you want to follow the adventure...hunt me on Facebook!!!
Welcome to my blog... my thoughts, my fears, my rants, my Life. Be aware that my blog will not be for the faint of heart or the weak - I will swear, I will rant, I will cry and I will laugh... Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
"It's Gettin' Hot in Here...."
EVERY night after my Honey and I got to bed and I turn into one HOT woman. I know what you're thinking.....'That Rich is ONE lucky SOB'. However, I'm HOT but NOT in the "Oh, Baby you are Smokin' HOT" way but more in the "Damn Honey, you've got to get the hell away from me. You are melting my fillings" kind of HOT!
We start out with good intentions. One of us spoons the other for...oh....about 5 minutes. Then we have to peel apart and go to our separate corners. We try to touch arms or a leg before we finally give up and settle for just a foot for a little bit. It never fails - we wake up in the night having to start stripping clothes and drying off from sweating so much. The other night the mattress got so wet that I thought someone had peed the bed!
Now, I will admit that our bedspread may be contributing to some of the heat problems (its cotton underneath a nylon-y material ...we will be getting a thin cotton bedspread very soon) and may be holding is the body heat; but the overruling factor is just my internal body heat issue! And it's not a hormonal menopausal hot flash thing, either (I've been there and been doing that for 20 years now - it's under control at this point).
Rich says I am like a furnace - which is good when we go to bed when it's freezing cold (instant warm up), but then I radiate this inferno of heat that just about makes it impossible to get a good night sleep. I actually had to get out of bed about 2am this morning to guzzle a bottle of water, dry off my arms and wipe the sweat between my boobs! Needless to say I slept restlessly after that for the rest of the morning.
Its the craziest thing! You'd think after 14 years we would be used to the nightly inferno...but we wake up each morning saying, "Oh. My. Gosh...it was so HOT last night".
We start out with good intentions. One of us spoons the other for...oh....about 5 minutes. Then we have to peel apart and go to our separate corners. We try to touch arms or a leg before we finally give up and settle for just a foot for a little bit. It never fails - we wake up in the night having to start stripping clothes and drying off from sweating so much. The other night the mattress got so wet that I thought someone had peed the bed!
Now, I will admit that our bedspread may be contributing to some of the heat problems (its cotton underneath a nylon-y material ...we will be getting a thin cotton bedspread very soon) and may be holding is the body heat; but the overruling factor is just my internal body heat issue! And it's not a hormonal menopausal hot flash thing, either (I've been there and been doing that for 20 years now - it's under control at this point).
Rich says I am like a furnace - which is good when we go to bed when it's freezing cold (instant warm up), but then I radiate this inferno of heat that just about makes it impossible to get a good night sleep. I actually had to get out of bed about 2am this morning to guzzle a bottle of water, dry off my arms and wipe the sweat between my boobs! Needless to say I slept restlessly after that for the rest of the morning.
Its the craziest thing! You'd think after 14 years we would be used to the nightly inferno...but we wake up each morning saying, "Oh. My. Gosh...it was so HOT last night".
You can imagine the money we save on heating cost!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Brought to You by the Letter....
As in PEE!
Yep, I think I have pee'd 8 times since 4:30am! Could be more but I think I've lost track! Woops...BRB...gotta go "P" now.....Make that 9 times! I'm getting a hell of a cardio workout just running - or gently walking fast so not to pee on myself before I get there - in heels ('cause I'm at work) to the restroom!
Rich and I hit the gym this morning bright and early in our 10 day fit challenge - it's 10 days before we hit the beach!!!! - kind of like the 'last chance workout' on the Biggest Loser. Not only will serious gym time and sweat be the keys but hydration is too. Hydration means go 'ol H2O...hence the need to run (gently walk fast) to Pee EVERY 10'ish minutes!!
I had my Camelback Water Bottle (LOVE IT) filled and emptied twice at the gym..then another 16 ounces at home before going to work. That set-off my marathon pee-fest!
I feel like I've just prepared for an old school baby ultrasound - which, if you not had one of those, is when you have to drink a gallon of water then go lay on a table with the ultrasound tech does the ultrasound while you try desperately not to start peeing! The whole time your bladder is screaming and busting at the seams! Yea, good times!
Damn....gotta go!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
This HOT couple
Is also known as
Grandmama & Papa.
We are excited
to have this little bundle
of sweetness
coming Sept. 1st.
Today we found out
this sweetness
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
- I miss being excited about getting up and going to work, in a job that fulfilled me.
- I'm grateful that I have a job, as fulfilling as it is.
- I miss my husband even though he's just one state south!
- I hate pollen!
- My house is too quiet at the moment.
- I hate craving a certain food for dinner, only to talk myself into coming home and making something healthy.
- Where in hell does all of this dust come from?
- My neighbor's daughter got her driver's license today (she's 17)...Way to Go Morgan!!
- I turn Skype on everyday (habit from deployment) and there's no one to talk to. :o(
- I'm glad I don't have to depend on Skype anymore in order to talk to my husband! :o)
- Tomorrow we find out what my grandchild is!! Yea!!!
- The End
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
and longing
for my
Mom & Dad.
They died a little over a year ago
and right
this minute,
this second....
my heart feels their absence
so much.
so much.
You can't see my tears
You can't see the grief inside,
You would have no idea the void I feel
My emotions aren't on the outside.
But they are there..they are real.
I miss them. Deeply. So very deeply.
You can't see the grief inside,
You would have no idea the void I feel
My emotions aren't on the outside.
But they are there..they are real.
I miss them. Deeply. So very deeply.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Speechless...but not Wordless...
Like so many of my friends in Blogsphere, I opened up Google Reader to see what you all were saying after (what I hoped was for YOU) a fabulous weekend. Like many of you, along with me, who follow Jessica, I found myself stunned to complete silence to read her words, " If you are reading this, you should know that I am dead. At least I hope I'm dead. It would be awful to fail at your own suicide". Each word that followed gripped my heart as it started to break apart...for Jessica, for the circumstance and loneliness that led to her decision, and for ALL of us as military spouses, women, friends. I felt her sadness and the pain that brought her to the point she had arrived; I felt angry that she had been abandoned my her husband, the Army, her family; and that in that abandonment she was lost in desperation. It was a great relief to read in 'comments' that she was located and in the hospital.
About 85% of us can relate to her story in one way or another. We've all felt the abandonment of a relationship, we've felt the sorrow of broken trust, the pain of deployment separation or the aftermath of return, of not being able to (or comfortable) reaching out to our friends and family, and have been enveloped in the darkness of loneliness.
If we were being honest, many of us could admit to wanting to, contemplating, or even attempting any means to end the pain. We've experienced circumstances beyond our realm of control that are too much to continue to bear alone - and the fear and shame in reaching out to strangers when those you put your trust in turn their back on you.
Although Jessica's situation may not be exactly like our own, and we've not crossed the line to make it all go away, we've all been there and lived to tell the story. She lives to tell her story now (Thank You God)! I can only trust and pray that she is able to get the love, support and care that she needs now to help her rebuild her soul.
Blog friends, in the darkest of my days last year you all supported me and got me through some tough days and nights. Some of you knew what it was to lose a parent (or both), some of you walked the road of deployment with me. You laughed with me, I'm sure cried with me, and you became my Friends. Each of you! I may not respond to your post as often as I should or say Thank You enough for your virtual support, but I have a deep love & caring for you all!
We are all never as alone as we feel or think we are. Just as Jessica's auto post hit the blogsphere someone read it and responded immediately; know that someone is a click, a text, a phone call, and email away. Reach out! Reach out! Reach Out!
About 85% of us can relate to her story in one way or another. We've all felt the abandonment of a relationship, we've felt the sorrow of broken trust, the pain of deployment separation or the aftermath of return, of not being able to (or comfortable) reaching out to our friends and family, and have been enveloped in the darkness of loneliness.
If we were being honest, many of us could admit to wanting to, contemplating, or even attempting any means to end the pain. We've experienced circumstances beyond our realm of control that are too much to continue to bear alone - and the fear and shame in reaching out to strangers when those you put your trust in turn their back on you.
Although Jessica's situation may not be exactly like our own, and we've not crossed the line to make it all go away, we've all been there and lived to tell the story. She lives to tell her story now (Thank You God)! I can only trust and pray that she is able to get the love, support and care that she needs now to help her rebuild her soul.
Blog friends, in the darkest of my days last year you all supported me and got me through some tough days and nights. Some of you knew what it was to lose a parent (or both), some of you walked the road of deployment with me. You laughed with me, I'm sure cried with me, and you became my Friends. Each of you! I may not respond to your post as often as I should or say Thank You enough for your virtual support, but I have a deep love & caring for you all!
We are all never as alone as we feel or think we are. Just as Jessica's auto post hit the blogsphere someone read it and responded immediately; know that someone is a click, a text, a phone call, and email away. Reach out! Reach out! Reach Out!
Friday, April 8, 2011
Got Jacked!
I LOVE my bank! It's a credit union - and I love them! They have a tight fraud security group that will think nothing about calling me to make sure a transaction is legit (day/night/weekend..they don't care what time it is).
Unfortunately...not all transactions are!
I received a call this morning from my bank to validate some recent charges. Gas on Wednesday (yep - legit...I HATE using my debit card for gas purchases. I'm always leering of using my debit in those situations just IN CASE my card gets compromised, I don't want the account I 'live' in to be impacted). Purchase Wednesday on line for an annual membership- Yep, legit. International purchase on Amazon ($180) on Wednesday? Whoa....what? No...not legit. Amazon purchase ($290) this morning? Uhhhhh...no...HELL NO! Uggggggggg!
My credit card got jacked! Under the bank's direction I cut up my card immediately and they closed it out, sending me a new card. Fortunately the charges were removed from my account and will be completely investigated by their fraud department.
It's so frustrating but it could have been a LOT worse!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Back to Life...Back to Reality...
Rich returned to (civilian) work on Monday. We are so blessed and fortunate that he had a job to return to following his deployment. Just before he deployed the company he works for was bought by another company, some of the key players have changed and roles were changed/moved/disrupted. Until Monday it was unclear exactly what he would be returning to. He was ready, nervous and restless Sunday night and didn't sleep well. Kind of like the first day of school...same people but now you're all in a different grade, may not have classes together and new teachers.
He spent a couple of days just getting acclimated to the changes, doing the 'welcome back' conversations with his friends and going through his work email that had accumulated 2,000 emails in the past year. Today he got confirmation of his job/project (not necessarily what he had hoped for), but it'll be okay and what role he will be taking. Along with the confirmation came a round trip ticket leaving Monday for the week-long business trip. We were a bit disappointed that he will have to travel so soon (as we know there will be a great deal of travel involved); but at least this trip won't last a year!
Looks like we are back to Life...back to reality!
He spent a couple of days just getting acclimated to the changes, doing the 'welcome back' conversations with his friends and going through his work email that had accumulated 2,000 emails in the past year. Today he got confirmation of his job/project (not necessarily what he had hoped for), but it'll be okay and what role he will be taking. Along with the confirmation came a round trip ticket leaving Monday for the week-long business trip. We were a bit disappointed that he will have to travel so soon (as we know there will be a great deal of travel involved); but at least this trip won't last a year!
Looks like we are back to Life...back to reality!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
WARNING ~ Reintegration May Cause Unexpected Weight Gain!
He Came Home!
We did ALOT of This ~
Lots of THIS~
AND Plenty of THIS ~
Not a lot of THIS ~
Now I have a little more of THIS ~

I must have missed the WARNING when reading the Reintgration Manual
(lol...what manual????)
There's not one second I would change in these 28 days!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
27 Days of Bliss
My husband has been home from Afghanistan for 27 days. It has been 27 days of finding our groove, each other, and a new normal. The first week and a half (while I was working) he decompressed by rebuilding our privacy fence, laying sod in the backyard and doing a bit of landscaping. The following week we travelled to the West coast to visit our kids and other family. It was a great trip! The rest of last week (his last week before starting back to work) Rich continued to piddle around the house, calling me a few times throughout the day to say how bored he was!
Saturday we leathered-up and headed out on a long (300 miles) motorcycle ride that circle across N. Alabama, up Natchez Trace to downtown Nashville and back home.
Whewww...we were totally wiped out after all of that riding. But let me tell you, the scenery was just beautiful up the Trace. Rich did all of the hard work while I sat behind him soaking it all up and reading my Kindle every so often.
Saturday we leathered-up and headed out on a long (300 miles) motorcycle ride that circle across N. Alabama, up Natchez Trace to downtown Nashville and back home.
Whewww...we were totally wiped out after all of that riding. But let me tell you, the scenery was just beautiful up the Trace. Rich did all of the hard work while I sat behind him soaking it all up and reading my Kindle every so often.
Sunday we went to the Monthly Blocker Breakfast for some family time, a few laughs, and an overall good time! After a quick trip to Walmart we made our way back home for a whole lot of NOTHING!!! Rich changed into his (as he called them) "not doing shit all day" clothes and I found a comfy sun dress and joined him in the backyard hammock. We laid in the hammock for 3 hours, each of us reading and doing nothing more.
As we lay there in the hammock and the warm breeze I couldn't help but steal a zillion glances at him. This was our perfect day and I couldn't believe that we were there in that moment together.
I've tried to remember what it was like without him for a year, through deployment, and I can't. I've said it a hundred times but I really feel like 2010 did not happen. That I went to sleep one night and he was gone, only to wake up the next morning and he's there.
We followed up our hammock time with a cookout with our daughters and our neighbors - such a wonderful ending to a wonderful weekend!
Happy Monday!
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The Dark Days
I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace
I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace
I saw a tree this morning with leaves starting to turn. It's a sign a Fall...the end of Summer. A new season. A new change. There have b...
This morning marked the beginning of his last pre-deployment training. A kiss...or four...a couple of long hugs later and off he went. The w...