Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's a New Year Alright!

2013!  Who would've thunk?

It's hard to believe that a whole year had ended and a new year has begun. Just like that - in the snap of a finger. I'm sure I didn't do all that I wanted to do...resolved to do...hoped I'd do ...in 2012. I'm just as positive that I will - or won't - do the same for 2013.

Resolutions I WON't make because I KNOW I will break them:

1. Grieve less. I always think I will conquer this one..but I'm only lying to myself.

2. Lose weight. Not gonna happen! For many months I have (1) eaten less, (2) eaten healthy, (3) juiced, (4) become more active, (5) watched my weight....at the end of each day I am still the exact same weight. What does that tell me?? My body is comfortable at the weight I am at and I need to embrace it and love myself anyway!

3. I will value my friendships more and make time for my friends. Um...doubtful. If 2012 has taught me ANYTHING..it's that I know who my friends are..the ones that stick and the ones that are here by situation. I know who I can count on when the chips are down and who I can reach out to when I am crumbled on the floor in despair. "Best" friends have proven to be not so..and "true' friends have shown their true colors.

4. Learn something new. I learned a lot in 2012 but nothing like I would have expected. Let me put this in writing....I will learn something new this year. A language. A look. A place. A skills. A recreation. Something....

5. Save money. Who was I kidding last year with that one?I think I have 5.75 in my personal savings and $100 til payday. Granted...Rich and I have a joint accounts that I do not look at or focus on..I only keep up with MY account. I also bought 85% of Christmas for our 4 kid, 4 spouses, 2 grandchildren, husband with my account....so I guess that says something.

There are a few things I will strive for this year:

1. To spend my time with those that matter the most..the people that have my back..and love me despite myself - my family

2. To focus less on outside friendships/relationships and to STOP chasing them!

3. To use my portion of my pay to enhance the life I have been given.

4. To love myself and stop thinking I am not enough for myself or anyone.


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace