Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year - 2015

Can you believe that it is now 2015? Where did the last 365 days go? In hindsight, 2014 was a relatively smooth year. Sure, it had it's moments and challenges, but all in all, no complaints here.

I have seen many resolutions floating about on Facebook and internet. I haven't made any...and I have no intentions of setting myself up for potential failure. There will be no promises of exercising, losing weight....or any of the the 'typical' resolutions.

Instead, I have big goals that will take many little goals to make happen:

1. To come off of one heart medicine
2. To come off of my anti-depressant

Both will take a great deal of research, study and action to achieve; I believe in myself and believe that I can be successful.

Being a person who needs to document and follow direction, I bought a planner today so I can start making appointments with myself to work on my health goals. If I break down each one into to obtainable, small steps, maybe, just maybe, I can start 2016 without those meds!

Okay - Alabama and Ohio are I gotta go!

Oh, I also plan to start vlogging in this year!


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace