Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Morning & Missing You!

From our Private Blog today:

Title: Sunday Morning & Missing You
"My Love,

As I sit here at the kitchen table looking out over the backyard...I wish a million wishes that you were here sitting across the table with me. We'd have our coffee in hand...maybe finishing off an amazing breakfast that you've made...and have the newspaper spread out from end to end. We would be talking about what our plans would be - we'd always say we'll wing-it...but you know we would get up, get dressed and just start driving to town (where we would stay most of the day). Or you would go down and wash & blow dry the bike while I rush around getting ready for a ride. Whatever we did...Sunday was OUR day to do it! Instead I have eaten a meager breakfast, coffee in hand and am sitting here wondering what I will do. The house is quiet except for Jake's crying - I've noticed that about him the past 2 days.

I'm missing you terribly, but I am okay today. No depression or sadness.

I Love You, Soldier Boy!

P.S. One more thing...We are almost at 100 days!"

 I've said it many times..Sunday is the loneliest day of my week. Although it signifies a new week approaching and the end of  another - it still smacks of reality that Rich isn't here and I'm alone.

When I wake up on Sunday my husband has usually pulled about 10 hours and leaves work early to do laundry (usually takes 2-3- hours). I never know when to 'expect' him to pop up online - if at all. I spend my morning sitting vigil watching and waiting... taking the laptop from room to room (to shower, to pee, to do laundry, to get the newspaper from the street..) never wanting to miss the precious few minutes we may get to spend together. Sometimes we make the connection (depending on the crappy bandwidth there), and sometimes we don't get the chance. 

Today we Skyped (after a couple of failed attempts and dropped calls) for a few minutes as he got settled in to sleep.The M&Ms are his weakness! Pvt. Joey's standing watch!

Love, Peace & Happy Sunday!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace