So.... plans are a-changing for Pook and his "Band of Brothers"! They found out when they arrived in Kuwait that they were NOW going to their year-long home away from home in pairs!!! YEA!!!!!! This makes me feel sooooo great! Pook will have one of his Brothers with him!! (can I get a Waahooo?) As a wife of a deployed Soldier - this gives me a huge amount of relief and comfort. Don't you just LOVE military changes?!? I know, I know... it could change again before they arrive - but for right this minute... I'm a happy Wife!
So, Pooks been gone 3 1/2 weeks and I STILL can't fold down the covers on his side of the bed at night! I actually tried the other night to claim the whole bed but it ate at me for a few minutes until I got up, made his side back up, and got on my half! Isn't that just the damned thing you've ever heard? Now, it only took me about... oh, 1/2 day to claim his side of the vanity in the bathroom - now I have two sinks and the whole length of the vanity to myself and my stuff! And our closet.... mine! I don't worry about him tripping over my shoes, running into a hanger sticking out from my section of the clothes rack (because I've just breezed through and pulled something off the hanger), or feeling ashamed because I'm such a closet slob while his clothes ever so perfectly sorted by type, color, sleeves (ahem..OCD...cough)! See - there are perks to this deployment!
Oh, one more thing that I haven't been able to do since Rich has been gone. His gym bag that he used our last night together (we stayed at a hotel near the armory) is still in the back of the car. I know it's there... but I just can't make myself get it out. I think it's the whole.. if I get it out..then I have to empty it and then if I do that, I may have to wash his shirt or anything that smells like him. I KNOW.. I know you are all rolling your eyes at this - but it really is like a security blanket for me in a weird kind of way.
Well, it's Flashback Friday! Since I'm not in a place where I can get to my treasure trove of pictures..... and since Rich isn't here to stop me (tee hee hee)...I'm pulling out a Flashback pic for your entertainment, of Him! (Honey - it's Flashback Friday... I'd look like a dork if I didn't join in. It's the ONLY picture I have with me to show. Kiss..kisss..hope you understand).
Flashback: A young Airborne Soldier at 18 (this is such a hysterical picture!!!!!)
Hot, Hot, Hot at 45!
Thank you for all of your sweet comments about our OpLove pictures!! They sure are awesome! If you didn't check them... take a gander: Our OpLove Pictures (go to Client Galleries and type: richardson)
Love, Peace & Happy TGIF!
Deployment has begun - he moved to MOB yesterday morning. I won't lie - it was difficult to leave him standing in the parking lot yesterday to load his gear into a van that would take the 4-soldier team to MS; I didn't stay to watch him leave. I had a little breakdown once I got home but mostly I was in a 'numb' state of confusion. I didn't wallow long; I got up and went out to cut the grass ~ something I haven't done (not once) in the 5 years we've lived in our home. I couldn't figure out out to start the weed-eater though; but I know a certain neighbor (hint) that can help me out with that. I moved about my day doing things here and there on auto-pilot, waiting for a phone call (I got one last night).
I've decided that I won't count the deployment days on my blog in any way ~ well, maybe just the big milestone days, but not every day. Instead I will focus on and celebrate making it through each day, 24-hours at a time. I remember when Dad had his heart attack last year and things looked grim...we were worried about "what could happen" and "what if".... the doctor told us that all we had to work towards was making it through 24 hours at a time. I remember thanking God every morning that he made it through the night and every night when he made it through the day - for 9 1/2 months until he drew his last breath and joined my Mother. As with the grief I continue to experience since my parents deaths in late December, I know the sadness and loss will come in waves, and usually when I least expect it. I also know those moments of loneliness do pass and I will find a way to fill the emptiness with laughter and life until the next wave comes through.
I appreciate all of the support and encouragement from my blogging friends that have been, and are exactly where I am ...I feel like part of a unique sisterhood.
Here's a few snapshots from our family vacation (minus our son, N-25, and his family):
Rich's Blog: