Monday, November 29, 2010

No Kidding....

I told my husband today that I don't want any more kids! He completely agreed!! It's laughable for us to say that...something we've always brought up when any one or two, or three, or four, of our kids have exhausted our emotions. We always said God knew what he was doing when he took away our reproductive ability!

Parenting is scary business. Only the strong survive! The benefits definitely out weigh the bad times and the blessings cannot be measured!

However, Kids can be totally draining sometimes! It doesn't matter how old they get. They love you and they hate you. They will disappoint you and make you proud. Kids have a way of making you mad as hell and giving you the best moments to make up for the bad times. They bicker, fuss and cuss at each other...but they should know that in the end they have each other to lean on in the tough times. Kids will bring hurt and devastation to their parents...sometimes on purpose..sometimes unintentional. You can't control them or consume them once they leave the teenage years. Regardless of how much you try to hang on - they eventually have to fly. They will stumble, they will fall, sometimes they will lay on the ground and watch the clouds roll by until they are ready to get up again. It's in their time - not yours. Kids will make choices that would not have been your own; that's why the choices are theirs and not mine yours. They will follow their hearts across the lands in search of self, love and adventure. Often times finding their way home, other times not. They will break your heart a million times with words, alienation and actions...but to see them and hold them for a few seconds can put your World back on its axis.

As Parents, we hold on to the memories of the 'good' times to get us through the bad. We try to bite our tongues and remain neutral in conflict. We cry over some of their choices but we are thankful that they have the self-conviction to make a choice...any choice. We run in high gear when they cause havoc among the masses but are glad we raised strong individuals who can stand up for themselves. We love them enough to let them support them in their quest to find their own way, their own happiness, their own motivation. Sometimes we fail...sometimes we are right on target.

When the dust settles after the storms or the parade has finished and the music has stopped ~ what is left standing is a Mom and a Dad; we may be tired, haggard and bloody....but we stand together in solidarity.  We stand together holding the family flag to remind the kids the family is still intact and  we hold up a light to illuminate their way back home from wherever they may roam.

To our Children: You are loved beyond all measure regardless of whose blood runs through your veins. Find your happiness...your place in this World. Don't settle for what you have but always seek out your next adventure. Love and let yourself be loved - you are all worthy! Forgive and allow yourself to be forgiven. Be the friend to others that you would want in return. Don't let others dictate your direction, follow your own map but go off course from time to time. Remember where Home is and that Dad & I will always welcome you there.

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace