Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After

So, I am back to work after Christmas. The most annoying thing about doing that is the constant annoying question: "Did you have a good Christmas"?

Why do people always ask that?? My response is always the same, "It's hard not to have a good Christmas" when I really want to say... "that's a stupid question"! I then feel compelled to ask about their Christmas and then spend the next 15-20 minutes hearing about their day in great detail.

What would they say is my response was "No, my dog died, the Christmas tree lights caught the curtains on fire, the firemen saved the Christmas turkey just in time for Uncle Pete to show up with his 8 snot-nosed, sickly kids all under the age of 5. Oh, and let's not forget that the septic tank backed up and the tubs and commodes over-flowed!" Good times!! Even IF all of that happened, who would actually say anything different other than, "It was a nice Christmas"?

Maybe I'm just not a sharer of my personal business at work...or even in my personal life. I prefer to keep the details of what actually goes on in my life private. Even those I consider 'friends' get the glossed-over, high-level version.

So - for the record....I had a great Christmas!


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace