Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why I Blog ~

I began my blogging journal at the beginning of a difficult season in my life. When I didn't feel I could lay my burdens, sorrow and grief on those around me who were going through the same emotions, I came across a random blog. That act of randomness introduced me to a way of being able to express myself without judgment or sympathy. I could cry on the shoulders of many who did not know me in 'real life' and lean on others who were willing to listen and share a virtual shoulder. As time passed I opened my journey to a tiny half-handful of people who I felt I could share my heart and my life. Even to this day, of all of the 'friends' on Facebook that I have, only less than a dozen know that I blog. Although it is a public place where I could turn to in a private way, I didn't want to open myself up to everyone I knew - I still don't. I felt comforted knowing that it was my own little place.

Over the years I have blogged about personal sadness, experiences (good and bad - and some horribly hysterical), frustrations, and a whole lot of nothingness - and I have been grateful for this little space in blogville that have.

I recently wrote about the renewal of dear friendships and my insecurities surrounding that. It was a tough thing to blog, but like other things I've blogged about - I can write the words better than I can speak them.  I lost someone who I considered a friend over that post. I didn't intend to - or want to, but it happened. I deleted the post although it doesn't change the outcome.

I blog because I can...because it's my outlet when friends aren't here or there, when it's midnight and I have something I want to say and no one to say it to. I blog when I can't find the words. Blogging is a very personal thing in a public place ~ but I choose to do it anyway. I blog for me...


The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace