Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Accidental Hunter

There are many things that my husband is..

He is a the King

 The Spreadsheet!
The Kitchen & Grill
He is a Lover
A Friend
A Hot, Bad-ass guy on his Motorcycle Dude!
A Sun Worshiper

A Grandfather (he's called Papa)
He is a Soldier
My Heart's Desire
He is so many more things...
Too many to list

But, he is NOT a Hunter!
Until 4:30am this morning.
He and I rose from our slumber after the second snooze alarm sounded. We quietly went our separate way to get dressed; in thought and anticipation at what was ahead of us so early. What was waiting and lurking our THERE for us? Only time will tell. Armed with our arsenal of equipment: gloves, water, a towel or two, iPods (wait...damn...where's my iPod???) - okay Rich has HIS and I am without. (Don't get him started on how I lose and misplace E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!)

It's dark out, darker than dark, as he pulls out of the driveway to meet the challenge and adventure that awaits us...out THERE. The first strike happened about 2 miles up the road as a little dog (yes, I KNOOOOWWW)....darted from out of a field on the right. The little thing didn't stand a chance and we couldn't avoid the impact. ME: "Was that a fox?" Pook: "No, it was a pit-bull type dog". Both: "Damn!" He turned around to see what we could do what we can do...the dog/puppy had run away towards some houses. Trust me when I say - it was not safe to get out and traipse around in the dark looking for a wounded animal, especially not in a tornado impacted (this part was not severely impacted) area where it is a known fact that looters will be shot on site)!

We continued on our way to the gym. A few miles down the road a stinking Raccoon darted across the road - NO, we did not hit it...lucky bastard! Rich: "It's a bad omen...something is telling me this is a bad idea to be getting out this early to go to the gym".

We get to the gym and finish our workout...head home. Half way home there was another animal that made an attempt but changed it's mind. Oh...We did do a slow drive by (again) looking for the dog/puppy...the sun had come up and we could see behind a house that there were 3 other pit-bull looking dogs running around the yard (no fence, no chains...running free like the wind). That's another blog - another time!

So, my accidental hunter and I made it back home...a little tired/sore...a little bewildered after the drive through the wildlife sniper zone. We could only shake our heads at the senseless disregard for keeping pets safe. As for the raccoon...that little bandit was lucky to be so quick!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace