Sunday, May 22, 2011

How Much Does a Deed Cost? ( Part 2)

(Warning: This post talks about Sex. may want to look away. Yes, Dad & I still do that at our age!)

So where was I? Oh yeah...I left off at the prelude to the deed.

As I said in the prelude Rich and I have found a great deal of humor with our weekly appointments. We completely have too much fun at our own expense and find more ways to joke about it than we ever imagined. At our age its too funny not to laugh at ourselves.

After a recent bonus event we lay there talking about life and plans. I brought up a decision that was heavy on my heart and there was money involved. I wanted $100. If he give me half of what I needed I would put up the other half? (we keep separate banks accts). After briefly telling him the reason, he didn't blink an eye and without hesitation he supported my request.

The very next morning he and transferred all of the money I needed (not just half) into my bank account. With the half I had originally planned and the whole that he gave me, I was able to take care of my request and then some ($150). We joked later that day about how expensive our bonus activity had been and he said I owed him $50 back since I only asked for $50 and he gave me $100. Sorry, there are no refunds here! He wasn't serious but it made for a good laugh as we bantered back and forth about the worth of that roll. 

That night there was another bonus in our weekly schedule (still not exempting him from the schedule day, mind you).
Afterward I say something romantically sweet to my husband.
he leans into my ear...
so gently and lovingly and says....
"you still owe me $50". 

I cannot remember the last time I laughed so hard!! I completely came unhinged in laughter that I can't help but laugh as I type this now. His timing was perfectly planned and I swear he planned the whole event just to use that line! I have a feeling that I will hear that I owe him $50 for a long time coming!

I'll stop talking about the Deed now as I'm sure my children are cringing about right now while reading this. I can almost hear my son's voice saying "Oh, God you have to bring this crap up?"

If there is a moral to any story, the moral to this one is to love and laugh whenever and in whatever way you can.

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace