Thursday, June 11, 2015

Out of My Closet

Noooooo...not that closet.

I have always had a love/hate relationship with my closet. It's nice...roomy...I have never had such a big walk-in closet in my life. And folks, this one ain't that big. I grew up without a closet until my dad built a little makeshift deal when I was in junior high school for my sister and I to share. This closet, well, I can walk in, twirl around without hitting too much as long as I don't stretch my arms out, and it was even roomy once for a quickie with my husband the day he came home from deployment and the house was full of people. Hey, it happens...don't judge.

So...back to my  closet. It is the place I go and sit when I feel overwhelmed, cry, when I want to be alone and when I want to pray. Then again, it has also been a place that has just pissed me off and hurt my feelings when I walk in and can't find anything to wear, nothing fits and its full of frumpy things that make me feel bad about myself. It's the place that reminds me that I've gained weight or have no style. I would spend soooo much time just standing staring through hot tears and lots of curses, at the same clothes and not a thing to wear.



I took the challenge of purging my closet of anything that didn't fit, I didnt like, wouldn't wear and didn't match at least three other pieces of clothing. I decided on the number of clothing I would keep and purged the 6 dresses, 5 skirts....etc.
I downloaded a cool wardrobe app to my tablet and took pictures of everything I kept...including shoes and accessories. From there I started building's amazing that I had so much that 'went together' that I never knew I had. I researched key clothing staples and purchased a few things to complete my own wardrobe closet....and BOOM!!

It is a hit, yall! When I'm not sure what I want to wear, I consult my app closet....or just pick something out of my real closet because I know that it all coordinates. The best part is that I feel amazing now when I walk in my closet and see that more than one half of my closet space is empty. I feel good when I get dressed and I no longer feel the anxiety I used to feel.

What a complete sense of freedom!


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace