Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It must be in the water....

Day 14. (Damn)

Note to self: The next time you put the step ladder back exactly where Pook put it (he would be so proud), tucked neatly behind his ultra bad-ass motorcycle in the garage, make sure that you don't accidentally unplug the deep freezer!

 In my defense, the step ladder was stored ever so nicely in the garage, blocked in by the deep freezer and the motorcycle. The ONLY way to get it out of its 'place' was to gently lift it over the back of the bike - making sure to NOT touch it. Now, you should know that TYPICALLY I would've just stuck it anywhere in the garage until my husband put it back where he wants it. But, he spent an entire 2 days organizing the the garage so I will be able to find whatever I wanted and needed without a panic attack while he's deployed. He even made me a tool box! I'm sure if I looked hard enough I will see a spreadsheet that will direct me to whatever I may need down there. So, the least I could do was make sure that I put the ladder back where he put it (because he had to have put lots of thought in where it needed to be store). I have no problem with that! BUT it was in a bad place! (Sorry Pook) I'm vertically challenged, I'm just grateful I didn't touch the chrome! Anywhoo-whoo....I put the ladder back, but I "guess" I put it down on the freezer cord, which inadvertently unplugged it a bit (kind of like being a little bit pregnant). That was two days ago. Fortunately, the freezer only housed frozen veggies that probably haven't seen their expiration date in years and other things (non-meat); except for on pack of chicken. It hadn't started to really smell yet. :o) I got the food thrown away, the freezer cleaned out and we are back in business. No harm done, only to my pride!
I guess you never know what won't work, until you try it on for size.

So what's in the water?? Well, I've read several blogs today that I follow, and I see common theme among us today. We are all a bit blah. Maybe it's deployment (before, during, after), maybe it's work, kids, school, or relationships, maybe it's just because it's Tuesday. There's hope... Wednesday's comin'!

Peace, Love & a big glass of Merlot!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace