Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I Shake My Head..........

I am amazed at the stupid things that people say.

Take for example today...it's raining cats and dogs and few farm animals outside. The local radio news guy said "possible chance of rain". POSSIBLE? There's whole severe storm blanketing the whole freaking North part of the State. Where does he live? Certainly not around here. Yep, certainly is possible.  Geesh....

This afternoon a lady in my department came to drop off some paperwork (this particular person makes me C.R.A.Z.Y with her stupidity all the time!), she saw my tattoo.

The words out of her mouth were, "did you get a tattoo"?

Seriously? We've ONLY worked in the same dept for 3 1/2 years. Besides....what does it look like? It's big, bright and takes up the inside of my wrist. I didn't have it one day and now I do. You tell me!

I love the comments I've gotten, like "is that a REAL tattoo"? Again...duh....does it seriously look like a sticker? Who would arbitrarily draw a flower on their wrist and color it in with a marker to pass it off as a REAL tattoo? Yes it's REAL ...here's your sign!

Lately with the heat index creeping up I hear a lot of "Is it hot enough out there for you?" and "man, it sure is hot out there" - ALL flipping day! To begin with, it's June/July in ALABAMA. It's not a big surprise so stop acting like it is. This is nothing like August will be like so why start whining now? Better yet, don't flipping whine about it - you live here...you should expect it to be hot!

If I had a nickle for every time some brainless wonder asked me lately, "did you get you hair cut"? What gave it away? The fact that you can see the whole length of my neck now or the fact that it's now chin-length instead of just below the shoulders?

I shake my head at stupid shit people say sometimes!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace