Sunday, June 19, 2011

Loving You Dad!

Oh Daddy,
I love you so much and I miss you every single day. The other day I broke down in Publix as I scanned the card section to pick up a Father's Day card for Rich. I fought against the urge to reach out and read a Father's Day card..the kind from child to Father. I lost that battle and stood there in the aisle crying as I feverishly read one card after another. After each card I read I would think, If Daddy was still here, this would be the card I would pick". I couldn't help myself even though I knew that my heart was breaking. I cried all the way home, dumped my purchases and headed to my closet where I sat on my stool.

I just wish for one more of your ridiculously long email jokes. There was a time when I would groan because you would fill up my inbox with lengthy stories and whatever else you could find on the Internet. I'm ashamed to admit that there were times I would open my email to a dozen new jokes or stories that I just didn't have time to read, and would hit delete. I never appreciated that one today...I would give anything to open my email and see a fresh email from you. I would read every single word, Daddy..five times over...just to know that you were sitting at your home, in your recliner, with your laptop.

I remember climbing up in your hospital bed and laying with you a few weeks before you died... my head on your chest like I did when I was a little girl and I cried. You ask me what was wrong, you called me Baby...I told you I was scared. I knew you would never leave the hospital again ~ you didn't know. You caressed my hair and told me not to be scared that everything would be okay. But it wasn't, Daddy. It'll never be okay again. I miss you so much Daddy.

If you can hear me Daddy...I love you! Thank you for being the most wonderful Father! I didn't deserve such a man like you to be my Dad but I am so grateful that you were. Happy Father's Day Daddy.

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace