Friday, June 10, 2011

A Short Blog...

Circa 2008 - PCB, FL!

I want short hair again!

It never fails...I cut my hair and then gradually grow it out again. But the truth is, I really love having short hair. True, I can't put it in a ponytail and just go (I rarely do that anyway unless I go to the gym ~ then I come home and wash it, dry it and style it for work) or working around the house. I end up washing and drying it usually 5 days a week ( I KNOW...not good for my hair) and it TAKES FOREVER to blow dry it into a style.

I'm 45 ~ my hair is caught between straight and curly because of age and nature; in my younger years it was ALWAYS stick-straight. There is not a good in-between style and look that doesn't require product, a blow dryer, and (sometimes) a curling just make it look 'natural', or professional for work, or casual for personal days. The styles I end up achieving are either straight (dull) or curled (think 80's big hair), sometime I can rock a little mouse and spray to get the messy heavy-wavy look.

There are mornings when I can rock a good hair day but the style hardly stays all day and I have to put so much product in it just to make it til lunch. Right now it's long (to me) at shoulder-length. I look in the mirror every morning at the hair on my head and I never feel like "me". It's always someone else's idea of what I should look like. When I mention cutting my hair I get some resistance and the "I like you better with long hair" Does that mean you can't like me with short? Would I not be sexy with short hair? Would I cease to be a professional? Would you be embarrassed by me?  "You look better with longer hair". Are you saying I look like shit otherwise? "Short hair" makes you look older". I don't think so. "Long hair signifies youth". I'm 45 not 25.

I've heard it said so much that long hair is just sexier and so much more versatile. Can't I have both sexier and versatile without all of the hair??

So. There. That's my SHORT blog.

What to do? What to do?

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace