Monday, July 25, 2011

Newbies at the Gym

When you go to the gym 4-5 mornings a week at 4:30AM, you tend to see the same people. Mostly serious body builder-types and few (like me) folks that just want to lose a little weight, firm up and be healthy.

Every now and then a new face will pop up for a few days - even a week, then drop back off the radar once they realize that it's too early for them or the working out is just exhausting. On a rare occasion I've seen one or two folks actually stick in with the early crowd.

You can always tell the newbies at the gym. The ones who joined over the weekend and want to give it a good gung-ho effort. The go from machine to machine giving it everything they have without a thought to what it will feel like later. They also either dress like this....

or THIS....

This morning Rich and I were sitting in the sauna after our workout, looking out onto the gym floor.
We are both watching a new guy (mid-40'ish) wearing a polo, khaki shorts (with belt), calf length white socks and gym shoes.
Me: "Looks like someones first day at the gym".
Rich: "I was just watching him do curls...painful".

I keep watching the new guy fold himself into the leg press machine, do a few reps then unfold out of it to do a couple of hamstring stretches. The whole time I'm thinking that all he needs is a pocket protector to complete his wardrobe.

Rich: "At least he's started the gym"
Me: "Yep"

Coming out of the sauna I notice the 'new' chick a couple of machines over...

Me: "She must be with him".

(Okay...she wasn't REALLY dressed like this..but you could tell that she went to Walmart/Target and bought a whole new ensemble for her debute).

Maybe they will be back tomorrow in more comfortable clothing and will join the early birds!

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace