Friday, October 14, 2011

At the Car Wash...

So..... I got in my car this morning and headed to work:

(This is not MY car...but I have one just like it)

It was a beautiful moment driving down the little country back road that leads to town. The sun was popping so gently through the trees, and no doubt the birds were singing a happy tune. Soft classic rock lulling me into a peaceful trance. Picture it, will you?!

But I sang along to one of  my favorite songs feeling like a breath of fresh air...the new morning sun broke through the trees and scattered itself ever so beautifully across the hood of my car. It was in THAT moment that I said to myself:

"Damn Girl, your car is filthy!"

I could write the whole US Constitution in the dirt across my hood! Where the hell does all of this dust and dirt come from anyway? It's not like I go mudding in my off time in my little Suzuki!! It needs a bath in THE WORST WAY!!

It just SCREAMS:

I was tempted to rip my tire cover off my car so it would blend in without anyone knowing it belonged to me. Yes, I would deny my dirty car!

The problem is...I HATE to wash my car! It's not that I'm lazy but I have better things to vacuum (and I hate to vacuum). I honestly can't remember the last time I washed my car; unless you count the last time I drove through a torrential thunderstorm - which I think qualifies on some warped level! Another sad thing is that I can't remember the last time I drove through a torrential thunderstorm!!

So, unless I want to come out to my car one day and see the words "WASH ME" etched across my windows, I guess it's high-time that I broke out a wash bucket, soap and a dish rag and gave the ol' girl a good bath! Either that or I could spend my day tomorrow stalking out local gas stations and auto parts stores for some kids desperate to raise money for a trip to Washington, DC!

Happy Friday!


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace