Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Guido Goes to the Gym...

Holy Moly!! Jersey Shore must be down one Guido because there is one on the loose at the 24/7 Gym. Guido Joe shows his slicked-back black hair, up at the gym from time to time. AT 4:30 AM!!! He must've gotten up at 5:35am just to get his hair just right and pressed his clothes in order to be there by the time Rich & I arrived at 4:30!

This dude is definitely not a sight for sore or tired eyes this early in the morning and he sits pretty heavy on the stomach of anyone watching him! This 40'ish, receding hairlined Guido wannabe was wearing his usual hardcore workout clothes this morning:

The Good Ol' White Tank (aka..Wife beater) tucked in. Doesn't everyone workout in one of these?

The ever popular gym shorts - Plaid Dickie Shorts with a
black belt and cell phone!
The everso appropriate shoes for going to the gym. White as white can be!

And no self-respecting gym rat would be complete without his...

Gold chain.

The hysterical thing about this creeper is that he pushes a few weights around on the machines then takes a leisurely stroll around the gym floor in between his "reps", making sure to pass in front of the mirror to watch himself pass by, attempts to flex what he DOES NOT have and the 'checks' his package. I guess he wants to make sure that it's still there and hasn't fallen out along the way.

Why? Oh Why does he 'check' his package every few minutes? Could it be so teensy-tiny that he has to makes sure he knows where it is? Wait...I don't think I really want to know! (shiver.....)

Not only is it creepy..but he keeps moving from machine to machine until he is right next to me where I could check him out in the mirror if I was not too grossed out already. Little does he know that I wear..

Blinders on so I don't see what's he's doing next to me. It's just when he parades his skinny slimy self in front of me and the mirror that I feel like I need to go take a shower to get the invisible slime off of me.

After about 20 minutes of his nonsense and not getting any reaction..the Harvest Guido slinked on out of there. But like any good attention-grabbing whore or a bad penny..he will show up again!


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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace