Monday, February 28, 2011

The Start of a New Normal

For  1 year I have rushed home from work or anywhere I may be, to Skype with my husband while he's down range. He always went to work early (0330-0400 for him/ 3:30-4:00am - 5pm-5:30 my time.). Sometimes as I'm driving home he would text to say he was in the office and to see if I was home yet. My fisrt thought would be "Shit...I'm still 10 minutes away". Too many times my daughter and others have remarked at how I just blatenly drop a conversation when I hear the Skype ring, without courtesy.  I would schedule my life around when I "thought" I may get to talk to Rich; the thought of missing an opportunity to talk to him just haunted me day and night.  When I would go to work I would take my netbook and log in when I got there (it has a camera which is a no-no at my office for security reasons. I got exclusive permission from security to use it)...sometimes we would grab a moment to Skype before he left work; usually between 1900/7pm - 2100/9pm..

Today as I left work I knew I needed to go by Publix...I began to mentally calculate just how much time I may have before Rich would be online. Then it hit me...I don't have to do that anymore. I won't need to take my netbook to work any longer or rush home from work....or schedule dinner out around a deployment time zone...or drop my friends and family mid-sentence to rush to grab a call.. It's really over. Deployment is over and he is no longer on a deployment schedule.

It's a very, very weird feeling to know that I have so many deployment-related habits to break! At some point I hope to finally be able to sleep without keeping my mind 85% in-tune to any phantom doorbell ringing in the middle of the night.

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The Dark Days

I still have them...just without drinking through them. Sometime I wish I could, but it's not an option if I want to live. Peace